WUZHENG 4 Wheel 40HP Agriculturel Tractor
We Deliver World wide
Best thing about TIS is Quality Equipment Reliable & Fast Service..

1,The advantages of compact structure, short wheelbase and flexible steering make the tractor more suitable for the operation on small plot; 2,Widened and herringbone tread tires provide stronger driving force; 3,Famous and excellent-quality engine, large torque reserve, better fuel economy.

NA series tractor is the right-hand of your orchard, it is a multifunctional tractor specially designed for the orchard that can be applied to the field management of the orchard and greenhouse.

  • AvailabilityIn stock
  • DeliveryWorldwide
  • Govt. TaxesIncluded
  • Total$44,400.00

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We Help Industry To Utilize The
Heavy Equipment Work Better